Looking trendy doesn’t have to make a mess of your bank.
Not convinced? Then keep reading. 2018, just like any other year, is going to be starting its own trends while bringing back the classics. Keeping up with every single bandwagon that drives by can be a real hassle for your sanity and your wallet, so establishing an easy foundation in your closet will keep you covered no matter which way the winds are blowing. This can mean investing in a few Robert Graham jackets or just rethinking your shoe tree and its ability to support you until Christmas rolls back around.
Here are five smart ways to vary up your closet without driving you mad.
Skinny Jeans
You just can’t go wrong with a pair of skinny jeans. They’re flattering on any figure, show off your legs and hit that sweet spot between ‘jeans’ and ‘leggings’. You can throw on some denim skinny jeans for a casual family outing or dig up your colorful high-waisted pair for a night out on the town. Sky’s the limit! These have been popular for a few decades now and are always cropping up in one form or another, so learning how to find your right jean fit will be a gift that just keeps on giving. A recent study by PwC’s 2017 Total Retail Survey found nearly 40% of global shoppers like to buy online, so find your size and get shopping!
Dressy Shoes
Nothing quite completes a look like a nice pair of shoes. In fact, this might be the singular most useful on the tip for the sheer mileage (no pun intended!). A survey studying the spending habits of Millennials found nearly 60% of respondents stating they ‘love to shop’, compared to around 40% of older adults overall. Millennials are also responsible for spending up to 8% more than those in their forties. What does this mean for good shoes? Get yourself a snazzy pair of ankle boots for the ‘any occasion’ or a pair of Oxfords to bring together even the most casual of outfits.
Casual Shoes
“But wait!”, you say. “Why should I spend on both dressy shoes and casual shoes?”. Let’s be honest here…you’re going to have days when you just don’t want to pull yourself together. A nice pair of comfortable, yet stylish casual shoes will keep you sane as you shuffle between chores, walking the dog and that quick jog to the corner store. Sneakers are better for the more active, while a colorful pair of flats can be ideal for those that never want to abandon cute in the name of relaxation. This is also something that can be paired with Robert Graham jackets, but before we get into that…
Fashionable accessories, just like shoes, are great at coordinating an outfit and making it look like you put much more effort into your look than you actually did. Tiny ones are good when you don’t need to carry more than your cell phone and wallet, while medium-sized ones can get the job done for longer trips. Designer handbags should match your general style and wardrobe’s color, so veer away from gaudy hues and try to aim for some pleasant neutrals or bold prints! According to a study by the NPD Group and Stylitics, women both Millennial and older will own an impressive average of 13 different handbags across even different brands!
Got jackets? You’ll still want to pick up some tips. Investing in a few Robert Graham jackets isn’t just fashionable, it’s functional. Nobody wants to overthink layers, even if they like the look, and designer jackets kill two birds with one stone by giving you something easy to grab on the way out the door. Psychological studies have only continued to push the benefits of the positive first impression, that of which can be formed in a mere seven to 17 seconds of meeting someone. Robert Graham jackets put an emphasis on cool tones and subtle patterns, classing you up no matter how you rolled out of bed in the morning.
Feeling more fashionable already? Keep that confidence close. It’s a looker!