Did you know that the oldest rock in the world has an estimated age of more than 3.8 billion years? Engraving a custom symbol or a phrase into a rock is a great way to provide a lasting gift within your marriage. Giving such a thoughtful gift may even help you to surpass the longest marriage in the Guinness Book of World Records, which was more than 86 years. In fact, custom engravings on an anniversary stone have caught on as one of the most popular anniversary gifts. If you and your spouse love nature, anniversary gifts such as a stone with an engraving on it will look great in your garden. Anniversary stones might feature your family name. You can also create anniversary gifts in the form of an engraved stone with the wedding date or a foreign language symbol that means love.
Anniversary stones are very symbolic, in addition to being affordable. Some services that provide these stones as a gift for an anniversary will be able to provide the stone to be used. It is also possible to bring a stone from your own garden, back yard or other area to be engraved. Web research can help you find the most affordable outlet for these stones. You may want to package an anniversary stone along with a full range of gifts for a major anniversary. Major anniversaries include the five year anniversary, the 10 year anniversary and the 20 year anniversary. One great idea is to collect stones for each one of the major anniversary years to put on display in your home.