A Man is How he Keeps his Home

Unusual floor lamps

My home is myself expressed in ambiance. I try to put forth a piece of my personality in every piece of decor I own. Being as dynamic an individual I am, my home is built around lighting. I have a special affinity for the chandelier. There is not a more timelessly classy or elegant type of lighting in existence. Throughout history, decorative chandelier shades have been used to attain this intimate atmosphere.
Always a symbol of wealth, the earliest candle chandeliers were used by the upper classes during medieval times as well as the aristocracy of imperial Britain. Today, decorative chandelier shades are used mostly to calm electric light bulbs, but the word chandelier actually stems from the Latin, candela, which means candle. Since the 15th century, chandelier design became more complex and decorative chandelier shades based on ring and crown designs became featured in noble homes.
Today, bead shade night lights, or beaded night light shades are a common form of decorative chandelier shades, which come in a variety of shapes, sizes and finishes. The art, in fact, has become so complex that a lot of different subtypes of glass are utilized for beads of decorative chandelier shades, some of which even have unique component specific names.
When I look at one of my many chandeliers, I see a reflection of me, a reflection of history and a reflection of luxury all in one glance. A man is how he keeps his home; I strive to keep mine true to me. Read more here.

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